Why would a growing teenager need osteopathic treatment?

Growing pains

As our bodies transition from childhood into young adult there are a few areas that can often cause issues, most of which are felt in the lower body and legs.  Growing pains are very real and often quite uncomfortable. As we grow the bones lengthen, the muscles are often stretched to their limits and take longer to catch up.  Osteopathy can help manage this transition by assessing your child’s progress through this difficult stage; using gentle techniques to support their muscles and bones development into their adult body-shape.

Poor posture

The way in which we sit and stand can affect the development and movement of our neck, shoulders and back leading to various areas of discomfort, possible headaches, poor concentration and other more serious issues such as scoliosis of the spine. So whether your teenager is slouching on the sofa, permanently glued to their phone/games console, or to your delight currently studying hard for their HSC; their poor posture is potentially causing long lasting issues. 

When we are writing, typing and sitting at a school desk our arms are in front of our body and create a postural pattern that puts strain on the back and neck muscles.  A forward head position and curving of the upper back puts additional pressure on the neck bones, back bones, and muscles, which is only made worse by having to carry heavy school bags.  

We will assess sitting and standing posture, along with movement and strength to fully understand both the way in which their body is currently developing, and how their movement patterns are affecting their growth.  From this we can highlight where their musculoskeletal potential problem areas may be and develop a tailor-made treatment plan to improve the motion and balance within their body to allow them to feel better, move better and enjoy all their favourite family activities again.

Orthodontic treatment support

Many teenagers need orthodontics to alter the position of their teeth.  This can also directly impact the balance of the mouth and movement of the jaw, leading to discomfort and headaches……as well as adding to their general level of teenage grumpiness.  

Cranial osteopathy can assess and help manage the subtle changes in force that occur through the skull and facial bones when the braces start to move teeth into new positions, which helps make the whole process easier and more comfortable while adapting to the new mouth shape.

Sporting injuries

Aussie teens take their physical activities and sporting commitments very seriously, which can from time to time lead to overuse strains and sprains or more complex acute injuries. Our osteopaths are both trained in assessing and managing acute injuries such as ankle sprains and muscle strains, as well as assessing for more chronic childhood specific growth-related issues that can affect areas such as the hips, knees, shins and feet.

We understand that sporting activities and events are a key part of your teen’s social calendar and being able to facilitate a quick return to their usual commitments benefits them both physically and mentally. Effective injury management and guidance towards future injury prevention can be crucial for everyone whether they enjoy being part of their local team, or are considering a future within the sporting world.

Please book now or contact our team for more information.